Check in

like a local

Your one-stop shop for easy travel planning and guidance.


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What we do

Do you like traveling? How about digital assistants like Siri and Alexa? Well, if you said yes to any of the above questions then you're going to fall in love with Checkin.

Checkin is a digital concierge that helps guests get deals in the best places, make restaurant or hotel reservations, airport pickup and drop-off, offer expert recommendations on tourist destinations and secure tickets to activities, showcasing local shopping locations, organizing spa services and all forms of transportation to help make the most of their trip, and coordinating porter and luggage services.

Checkin does everything!

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Why do you

need to check in

like a local?

Traveling is all about exploring and finding new experiences, but it can also be a hassle. From finding transportation to getting from one location to another, to making reservations, to finding the most suitable activities for you; your trip can quickly turn into a disappointing experience. That's why we’re here to help you check in everywhere with ease.

Checkin is your digital concierge, giving you the personalized advice of a real person that knows the locale you are visiting. We bring ease into your stay, making it enjoyable and memorable.


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